Summer Success Tip: Keep It Simple and Stay Focused

This week, the pressure eases off by reminding yourself that building a real estate brokerage business is not that complex. I’m cutting through all of the noise and giving you 7 things that if you do consistently over days, weeks, months and years, will lead you to a successful career.

Too many agents think that you have to grind, be complex, try the new thing, et cetera, to be successful. Not true. I’m more impressed by those agents that boil it down, commit, and are consistent than those trying to hit home runs in different ways.

Simple and non-sexy works.

So, here’s your plan:

If you have been in the business fewer than 2 years, identify 25 people that know you and who like you and trust you.  3 years?  Pick 50.  4 years? Pick 75.  5 years? 100.

Pick a database that you will use, even if it is a basic Excel spreadsheet or a Google doc.

Make sure you have each person’s first name, last name, address, city, state, zip code, email address, cell phone number, birthday, and anniversary. Rank their importance.  A, B, C or Platinum, Gold, Silver. Drop everyone else into a separate 'fringe' category.

Drop your clients into a Facebook clients list. Review twice a week.

Touch the Platinum category every 30 days; Gold, every 45; and Silver, every 60. Hit all of them, including your Fringe contacts, with an email campaign every 30 days. The Insight Newsletter is a good template.

Pick up to 3 lead generation techniques and commit to adding 2 new, qualified clients to your database each month. That’s one every two weeks. Low cost options include networking, open houses, and social media. Remember, it’s the simplicity of the effort, not the spending on fancy methods, that counts here.

For every transaction or client you work with, keep your head up and identify at least 1 other prospect or client that resulted from working with that buyer or selling a listing.

Build a social media platform that shows the market that you are serious about your craft. Minimum of 1 to 2 posts a week.

Build life rituals that allow you to focus on your business for 2 uninterrupted hours each day. (Think of this as your Morning Ritual.)

Do these things every day for 90 days and tell me what happens.

To do what we’re talking about here costs you almost nothing out-of-pocket… the investment is simply your commitment and time.

This exercise will build a lifestyle habit around success and, undoubtedly, you will build a business that meets your goals and vision. I’ve seen it happen now too many times to doubt the process. It works.

I’ve outlined the simple framework. Now all you need to do is add the commitment and effort.

Find what's holding you back and #LevelUp. Focus your effort on self development and improving through Success Modeling. Keep it SIMPLE and keep it going.