Summer 2019 Tune Up: What Gets You Fired Up?

This time of year, I switch gears from the busy selling season and go into creating and accountability mode.  As we go into summer, it’s important to take a minute to reflect on where we are as we move into June and later months.

Some of you are feeling great about your year-to-date performance.   Some of you are nervous and not feeling great.  Regardless of your personal barometer, I know all of you want to capture as much business as you can this summer and through the remainder of the year.

We’ve all got to remember that we’re just wrapping up the first phase of the year.  Some of the best years I had were because of the transactions I knocked out during the summer and fall.  I’ve also seen agents who started out strong take their foot off the accelerator during these months and end with a thud.

With all of that being said, it’s time to take a full look at your life and business.  What is working?  What’s not working? Some of you are tired and burnt out. Holiday weekends like the one we just passed are valuable reminders that it's essential to decompress and really take some time to reflect, course-correct, and find new readiness to execute. Taking the time for self-analysis is critical to your success.

So, on a scale of 1 to 10 (not using the number 7), how connected to your vision are you?  Are you focusing on your daily, 1-year, and 3-year goals?  Remember, this is your GPS.  To quote Tony Robbins “Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows…” not woo woo, just strategy.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how rock solid are your habits, rituals, routines, boundaries and rules for your life and business?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, are you focused on bringing new clients into your pipeline through your “Rocks of Marketing?”
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, are you leveraging your transactions to identify additional business?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, is your relationship/database management system in place and driving referrals to your pipeline?

So as you look at these categories and rate yourself, remember that “Mastery Comes from Repetition and Execution”.

The goal is to get these concepts out of the intellectual (understand and agree) and into the physical (your body and mind take over).

…and that is where most people stall.

They don’t commit to consistent execution.  The execution creates momentum.  The momentum creates confidence. The confidence results in massive action.

The massive action therefore creates the results. That is the equation. When your body (biorhythms) and subconscious mind take over, you get a lot more done in much less time.

Michael Jordon took 1,500 shots every morning before anyone else was even out of bed.  During games, his body and mind took over and the delivery was massive, legendary results.

What is driving you?  What is limiting you?

So, take time and really THINK. Ask yourself: What is my ideal scenario for my business and life?  What gets me fired up?  How do I find that? Commit to a #summer2019 to really identify and attack those weaknesses you have in your game.

To help drive summer motivation, I’ve reintroduced the training “Plan, Sprint, and Celebrate.” (It's linked here and on my Take Flight Audio page with lots of other resources.) Let’s talk about this as a baseline for how to use #summer2019 to attack the months ahead.

I’m fired up.  I’ve been working on some things personally that are allowing me to LEVEL UP.

If you’re ready to grow too, be prepared to discuss concepts like LIFE PLANNING and creating a Customer Service Plan…. all different than the traditional Business plans.

Happy agents sell more real estate.  Happiness comes from knowing that you are headed in the right direction.

Have a great remainder of your week.  Take some time to THINK and plan over the next few days and let’s all get ready to LEVEL UP.


Plan, Sprint and Celebrate