Pep Talk: Jim Help! I lost my momentum… what do I do?

As your coach, in many cases, I start asking questions back to you. When things are going well what do you find that you are doing consistently? Tell me about your day? Are you using the Daily Time Management form? Tell me about your last deal. Where did you meet them?

What are you doing to put yourself in more of those situations?

When was the last time you were in your CRM?

When was the last time you sat down and reviewed your goals and tried to internalize them?

How do you ask for introductions? When was the last time you asked for one?

When I start to ask these questions, many times the answer to the original question asked of me comes to the surface. The reality is that success comes from doing the basics really well, consistently over a long period of time. Yes, what seems so easy to do is sometimes the hardest thing to do.

Doctors and dieticians are suggesting with scientific proof that most health issues are derived from the intake of too much sugar and too many carbs. We all know it, so why is giving them so hard to accomplish? Because we’re addicted. Our bodies crave and physically need sugar.

How do we break through? We have to take tiny steps each day and create new habits. I love what Rachel Hollis says in her books. Specifically, in the latest edition of Success Magazine she said “Take one bad habit and address it for 30 days”. Just one. In 30 days, layer on another bad habit, and attack it. And so on and so on.

Be patient with yourself. In business, do the same. Take the one area that you can have the highest impact and focus on it for 30 days. Boom. Now do it again and add another layer. Boom. And add another. In a year, you have 12 new amazing habits. All the while, creating the momentum you seek along the way.