To advance or change your business and life, you need to change the way you think.
Take Flight is the culmination of HOW I reinvented my life and business starting in 2008 and built a 37M brokerage business by 2013 during the height of one of the worst economic times our country has ever encountered. Since 2013, I have had the privilege to observe top producers within and outside our firm in Chicago and across the country. The challenges are same. The solutions are the same. During the past decade, I’ve observed, tweaked, editorialized, tested, and documented the ideas that I believe could help brokers build a life and a business that work in tandem. It is through my own self-development that I created Take Flight, with the purpose of sharing my findings in a way that is boiled down to the absolute basics of how to best build a successful real estate brokerage business. The core of this class is that “success” is defined by you, not anyone else.
Download the 2024 Take Flight Manual and get started on your next level of success.
Tune in to Jim Miller’s recorded Pep Talks for insight on frequently asked questions. Have a question of your own? Just ask Jim Miller.
Visit Jim’s video resources to motivate you through business and personal challenges.
Download the daily Customer Service plan designed to track your action steps and create consistency.
Download the weekly Top 100 outreach plan designed to track your action steps and create consistency.
Get an accurate assessment of your performance and potential in the five essential categories of business success.