Yes, “Success Leaves Clues.”  I absolutely love this phrase that was first coined by Jim Rohn, a legendary, personal development thought leader.  This phrase drives me every day.   Some people love to golf, others love to try new restaurants or go to the beach.  I like those things too but I really love studying high performance and what makes elite level producers in all fields reach their pinnacles of success.  This thirst for knowledge started shortly after I had my “real estate heart attack.”  I woke up around 3:30 a.m on a 2008 February morning realizing  that because of the economic downturn,  I needed to either get out of real estate brokerage or re-invent myself.  No one was hiring so I was forced to re-invent.  Over the next 5 years, I became a voracious learner, trying new marketing ideas, developing processes, tightening up my time management routines and rituals and added a consistent database/relationship management strategy to my business.  My sales doubled 4 times in 5 years.  I started to get noticed by ownership at Jameson Sotheby’s and was asked to coach some of our agents.  They started to have success too.   Now, over a decade later,  I’m known as much for being a high performance coach as I am managing 2 high performing sales offices. I’ve also been blessed to have Sotheby’s International Realty agents from around the country reach out to me and engage me to coach them individually.  As these success stories represent below,  many agents have taken the basic fundamentals of “Take Flight” and have improved not only their business but their life.   If you feel like you could benefit from a coaching platform that produces these results,  please contact me.

Tara Klein

Manhattan Beach, California | Vista Sotheby's International Realty

When the student is ready the teacher will appear,” sums up my introduction to Jim Miller.  I was invited to his “From the Desk of Jim Miller,” private Facebook Page by a trusted friend and colleague and I watched a video of a panel of agents in Jim’s coaching program. Needless to say, I was intrigued and wanted more information about his coaching. Information was not easy to come by because Jim doesn’t advertise his individual coaching. Luckily, I knew a couple of people that I thought might be working with Jim, asked them some questions and wrote him a thank you note before we ever met in person.  I arranged a time to meet him in person during a conference in Los Angeles and  I knew within 2 minutes of the meeting that Jim’s coaching philosophy would help me regain the personal and professional “mojo,” that I lost in just one mediocre year of business. Unlike most of the real estate coaches, he turned his own career around during some of the darkest days of real estate. Jim saw in me what nobody else saw, that the only thing standing between me and reaching higher levels was me. In our first session together, I told Jim that I didn’t want to “fail Jim Miller coaching” and he assured me that nobody fails and then he said, “If you didn’t think that you have what it takes to be successful you would not be making the financial investment in yourself that you are about to make.” This was one of the early “ah ha” moments with Jim that transformed my personal and professional life. When I signed up to coach with Jim, I had no idea what 2020 had in store for me. I am beyond humbled and grateful to tell you that 2020 was my biggest production year in real estate and my personal life transformed for the best. Like most people, I have had my fair share of therapy throughout the years, but after two coaching calls with Jim – I started to have big breakthroughs.  By my third month of coaching, my friends, family and colleagues started to ask me, “what changed, what are you doing differently?” So I just tell them, “Ask Jim Miller.”

Nancy Tallman

Park City, Utah | Summit Sotheby's International Realty

How rare is it to meet one individual who has a profound impact on your life?  Early in 2019, I met some rock star agents at a Sotheby’s International Realty  networking event who let me in on a little secret – they all coached with Jim Miller. I started following Jim on social media and listened to his Monday Morning Pep Talks before meeting him in person mid-2019.  I felt an instant connection with Jim, as we had read the same business books and I agreed with his business philosophy. During 2019, I was having my best year ever, but I was working as hard as I could and I really didn’t know how to get to the next level. I knew I needed new knowledge and skills to break through, so I started coaching with Jim in the third quarter of 2019.  Jim has literally changed my life.  Jim knew exactly what I needed to do to break through.  Every time we spoke I had action items which I would complete before our next call and my progress came very fast.  Jim helped me see that my assistant was not the right person for my business and gave me the tools and encouragement to make a staffing change. Throughout the shutdown during the pandemic, Jim kept me focused and positive. By the time business resumed, I was ready to hit the ground running, and my production doubled in 2020 over 2019. I have completed Ninja training three times, and Jim’s coaching meshes perfectly with the Ninja philosophy, as Jim coaches you to build a relationship-based business. If you want to become a top producing agent in your market, still have a life, and create a solid business, Jim will help you get there. And best of all, you will enjoy the ride.

Xun Del Sesto

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

Coming into real estate as a highly accomplished individual with a relatively large database and strong work ethic, I didn’t expect the amount of effort needed to be able to take off. Although my company, Jameson Sotheby’s International Realty, provide adequate training, and Jim developed a whole curriculum to coach agents at different stages of their careers to move up to the next level, I was frustrated that despite all of the hard work and sacrifice, I wasn’t going anywhere. One day, I marched into Jim’s office and started to vent. Jim, although the same age as me, talked to me like a parent to his rebellious teenage daughter:

“Xun Mei, real estate is unlike any other business, you are dealing with people’s biggest investments in life, it’s highly emotional, and until you prove that you can do the job, why would people entrust you with their biggest assets?! There is no shortcut other than to work your tail off and establish yourself in the market!”

Being that teenager, I looked right into his eyes and spat it out word by word:

Mr. Miller, You Do Not Know Who I Am.

Yup, I was that arrogant… and stubborn. I am so glad that he didn’t throw me off the bus. I have reformed since. LOL. After thousands of hours of self-learning by following thought leaders, reading best sellers, and studying top producers in the real estate industry, over the course of a decade, Jim has developed a coaching and training system called Take Flight which was recently awarded patent. Any agent he touches at a one-on-one level has turned into gold. His curriculum is mindset-based, with may concrete strategies and techniques. I am at the end of an intense business development trip in Florida. I have met many Sotheby’s agents from other affiliates. Once finding out that Jim Miller is my managing broker, they always say ‘Lucky you!’ I once shared that Jim reminds me of a great Chinese writer from the 1930s, Mr. Lu Xun (鲁迅). Mr. Lu called himself a cow, saying “What I eat is grass, what I produce is milk and blood.” What I am telling you is that aside from his beloved family, Jim Miller dedicates himself to his agents 120 percent, period.

Lisa Rooks Morris

Sarasota, Florida | Premier Sotheby's International Realty

I was very reluctant to work with a coach, but I finally decided to engage Jim Miller after several elite level performing agents and, more importantly, happy professionals recommended him.  After working with Jim, listening to his PODCAST and reading his blogs for several months, my business has taken off.  His coaching has empowered me to make several amazing life decisions that I would have never had the courage to make before our coaching. Jim has helped me improve my business and my quality of life in so many ways and I value his guidance tremendously.

Landon Heck

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

I am very grateful and privileged to have Jim Miller as Managing Broker and Coach at Jameson Sotheby’s International Realty. Jim has not only helped me navigate the world of Real Estate but also helped me navigate and transform my own life! Currently, in my 2nd year as a Realtor, there are so many questions and unknowns as I grow my business. But, through his Take Flight Course and Monday Morning Pep Talks I have transformed my career and life into something I didn’t think possible. He coaches in a direct and thoughtful approach that is results-driven and he puts you in the driver’s seat (or shall I say cockpit) to navigate your future. If you have ever wanted to know how to excel in your business beyond your wildest dreams, be the best version of yourself you can be, and enrich your life and others around you, Jim Miller is your ticket to soar! Trust me, I never imagined what I could accomplish in just these past 2 years.

Carol Collins

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

I made the move to Jameson Sotheby’s International Realty in search of a supportive brokerage.  I wanted to align myself with a firm that would help me take my business to the next level. I knew that to do that, I needed to find the right environment. I needed a mentor, a coach and someone that believed in me.  I found that in Jim Miller.  Jim has challenged me to think differently and he has taught me to focus on my relationships and run my business like a business. My business “took off” after I attended his Take Flight course.  I’ve been inspired by his Monday Morning Pep Talks that he conducts each week and have read all of the books that he has suggested. He has encouraged me to stay focused on my short- and long-term goals both personally and professionally.  2019 was my best year yet.  His coaching and positive energy has paid off for me. It was the right move to go to Jameson Sotheby’s International Realty and  I am so excited for the years to come.

Mary Hanburger

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

After 17 years in the real estate industry, and having been a part of some of the biggest firms over those years, I still never felt like I had found my true work home.  Over a year ago I had the opportunity to sit down with Jim Miller.  I knew instantly not only was this the firm I had been searching for, but also the managing broker that I knew I needed.  I have now been at Jameson for over a year and couldn’t be happier.  I needed a strong and elegant brand behind my name in order to take my business to the next level.  Along with that, I needed a managing broker to help me do that.  Jim has taught me step by step, taking countless hours, how to turn my real estate career into a real business.  All of his classes, trainings, and weekly calls have changed the way I do and think about my business.  Jim is not only motivating but incredibly reliable, unbelievably knowledgeable, and fun to work with!  I look at Jim as a good friend, as well as a mentor and managing broker.  I can talk to him about anything.  Never have I had this kind of support behind me.  I can finally say that I have found my real estate home!  Thank you Jim!

Judy Gibbons

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

The Cubs have Madden. The Bears had Ditka. Jameson Sotheby’s International Realty has Jim Miller. The day I met Jim Miller my real estate career changed for the better. Thanks to Jim’s ability to be a fabulous coach and mentor, I have taken my business to new heights. With his help, I have exceeded many personal and professional goals and I couldn’t have done it without him. A true selfless leader that is always available to talk me off the ledge or congratulate me on my successes.

Ryan Preuett

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

I made the transition to Jameson Sotheby’s in 2017 in search of growth.  I’ve been working with Jim for 3+ years and our time together coaching has completely transformed both my business and quality of life.  He genuinely cares about my success and invests the time needed by me to understand my business both from a global and a granular level.  This has lead to numerous breakthroughs including higher annual production and larger average transaction size.  All without working more hours.  We’ve analyzed all aspects of the business and made sure everyone on my team is being utilized at their highest and best use in order to provide the best possible experience for our clients.  I highly recommend meeting with Jim to see what unrealized potential may exist in your business.

Juany Honeycutt

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

For several years I was like a lost puppy in the world of real estate brokerage moving from company to company. I was in a constant search for more, more education on how to serve my clients, more mentorship, more guidance, more advice, more support.  The one thing this industry doesn’t do is support and teach agents how to be successful business owners. That essentially is what we are and typically it’s feast or famine.  You have to figure it out on your own and are faced everyday with will you “sink or swim”. I am pretty scrappy by nature so this suited me for a while and I did well. However, there comes a time when you just want to learn how to run your business like a business and you need guidance. I knew Jim Miller and everyone at Jameson Sotheby’s for a long time. I have always loved Jim Miller, Chris Feurer, Mike Sato and the entire Jameson crew. I kept hearing from Jameson agents about Jim Miller’s coaching and how effective it was and the impact it was having on their businesses. More impressively I witnessed the results. I saw how their production was improving and they were happier.  I was reluctant to make the switch to Jameson. I was reluctant to believe the systems and support Jim Miller and everyone at Jameson Sotheby’s  provided was in fact real. With a gut feeling and a need to make a smart move for once, I made the decision to make the switch back to Jameson Sotheby’s or as I like to say, to go back “home”.  I am thankful every day for following my gut. Jim is more than a coach, a mentor and a leader.  He is a sounding board, a sense of calm and my guru!    If anything supports what Jameson Sotheby’s and Jim Miller are doing,  just look up my volume. It nearly doubled in my first full year with the firm. The transition and strides I have made come from hard work but they also come with an overwhelming sense of support that I have received at Jameson. Jim Miller and Chris Feurer really help you gain perspective and focus.  Experience, growth and education flow through this company. Jameson Sotheby’s is a supportive family; no matter how senior you are in this business or if you are new to the game, you will be treated as an equal, you will make many friends and you will always have a plethora of support from staff, other brokers and the entire Jameson SIR team.

Julie Halter

Portland, Oregon | Cascade Sotheby's International Realty

Jim’s ability to connect and identify what is holding you back is profound.  His own experience with hitting rock bottom and building himself back up and beyond is what makes Jim a true leader by example and action.  When I started working with Jim, of course I was expecting my business to expand and accountability to become more in focus.  What I have experienced is so much more than just becoming an expert at my craft.  Not only has my business completely transformed, but how I execute each and every day in both my profession and in my personal life has been transformational.  If you’re really ready to own your own “superpower” and become a disrupter in your market, with Jim’s coaching anything is possible. Change can be hard, but staying stuck in the same place is harder. I am accomplishing more than I ever thought I could and I know that the best is yet to come!

Mark Markarian

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

The process of moving to a new brokerage or any company for that matter, can be a difficult one.  You have to walk away from what you know – good or bad – in hopes of finding something better.  The general process includes promises made and benefits discussed until you are convinced that it is a good decision.  For Gordon, Taira and myself the basis of the decision was a little different.  To us it is not so much the premises made but those that are responsible to deliver them.  As with any company, the delivery of the core standards and principles is contingent on the people in place to deliver them.  It did not take long for us to realize that with Jim Miller as our Managing Broker we would be aligned with a person that not only follows the Jameson Sotheby’s core values but eats, sleeps and drinks them.  He is the absolute essence of everything that not only makes Jameson Sotheby’s the right home for us but what makes him a great leader.  We know he has us covered with our best interests at heart – not just because he says it but because he believes it!

Caroline Chambers

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

Jim is simply the best in the business. I started as a broker 3 years ago at another large brokerage in the city. While I learned the basics and necessary skills to execute a real estate transaction, I quickly learned I was not a “transactional” agent. My business was and is based on relationships and most of my clientele are referrals or people I already know from my sphere. I wanted to learn how to grow and build a successful long term business. When I joined Jameson Sotheby’s, Jim taught me invaluable methods to organize and execute my business. All of his coaching is centered on the client experience and it aligned with my values and beliefs.

I am a busy mom with two kids and Jim coaches his agents how to build your business around your life, not your life around your business.  In real estate you are measured by your production.  My production has definitely increased in the past year at Jameson Sotheby’s, although my overall happiness with my “work life” has improved dramatically.  I love that Jim is always available for me.  He’s a wonderful mentor to all of his agents.   I highly recommend Jim Miller and Jameson Sotheby’s to any agent wanting to increase their business and their quality of life and relationships.

Jeff Wilson

Washington, D.C. | TTR Sotheby's International Realty

I came to Jim outwardly looking like a big success, and I guess by most people’s standards I was hitting on all cylinders but something was wrong.  I wasn’t happy or hopeful about the future.  The pressure I put on myself was immense and I didn’t see a way forward.  It didn’t take long for Jim to help me re-frame my thinking, my energy and my outlook.  I found excitement in my business and I started building life and business with the future in mind.  We’ve been working on it ever since.  Has much changed?  YES!  Today I’m doing more business than I ever have with half the team size,  my outlook is hopeful and positive, and I have my priorities firmly in view which guide my daily decisions.  My morning routine has completely changed and I’m now in control of my day.   I’m able to spend more time with my family and to do so worry free.  Life is good, and I expect it only to get better.  Thank you Jim for giving me peace of mind and a future I truly look forward to living!

Ashley Shaw

Toronto, Canada | Sotheby's International Realty Canada

Mindset is everything and that is where Jim comes in.  Jim is like no other coach!  His mentoring, coaching and friendship is what makes his coaching special. He takes the time to get to know you and your needs and creates a strategy that works for you.  There is no “box” with Jim. He focuses more on the “client experience”, relationship building and mindset which is far more important than just a “numbers/transactional philosophy”. When you truly grasp the concept of the law of attraction, you’ll understand why Jim Miller came into your life just the way he did for me! Thank you, Jim for being the amazing man you are!

Laura Peery

Richmond, Virginia | The Steele Group Sotheby's International Realty

Jim has been my personal coach for a year and has been instrumental in helping me exceed my goals, grow as an individual, and successfully align my personal and business objectives.

He  encouraged me to set my goals higher and further than I thought possible, gave me the resources and oversight to reach and exceed those goals, and most importantly helped me develop an on-purpose mindset in everything I do. Jim is one part cheerleader, one part drill sergeant, and one part guru. Whether you’re a novice or expert, Jim will coach you  at your level, provide insights and develop a plan that will increase your productivity while keeping you focused and motivated.

Friley Saucier

Naples, Florida | Premier Sotheby's International Realty

Like many things, coaching can be a fine art. It is a role played with wisdom, a passion for sharing, integrity, gratitude and an ability to teach for understanding by the student.  There are life coaches, sports coaches and even business coaches. A good coach will understand a student’s needs and goals, even if she/he has yet to recognize them. An extraordinary coach will do all of this; yet tailor the learning methods to each individual. In an optimal experience, a student will bend his/her thinking to embrace new ideas to put them into practice. Then something magical happens… the student takes flight and soars to new heights with the wind of the learned practices, greater confidence and winning results.

Jim Miller, this is what you do for me. Thank you for being my extraordinary coach, my friend and my endeared colleague. With you by my side, I have shortened the learning curve for some practical life lessons and grown my business exponentially.

René Dombroski

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

I have known Jim Miller for only the last six months since I joined Jameson Sotheby’s International Realty. The support and education from Jim has been impressive. I cannot praise Jim enough for his magnificent efforts to educate and motivate his real estate brokers. We have a short but impactful weekly morning call, an in-depth course on developing your business, informative clinics, one hour seminars from third party experts in our field and so much more. He provides his brokers with an abundance of  tools and knowledge to ensure that we will provide premier service to our clients. His first hand experience as a broker selling real estate and the immediate and enormous success of brokers he has coached solidifies his advice. He’s relatable, reliable and so in love with the career he’s made for himself as well as the careers of the individuals underneath him here at Jameson Sotheby’s International Realty.

Amy Pritchard

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

Jim is one of the most dedicated, focused, results-driven people I have ever met. Teacher, leader, skilled industry top producer. There are not enough superlatives to describe this highly motivated and inspiring professional. I admire Jim’s character, energy and passion for what he does here at Jameson Sotheby’s International Realty and just like so many of my colleagues, my respect for him runs deep.

Lauren Schuh Dayton

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

I would highly recommend Jim Miller’s training class. It has changed the way I look at my business. I have been a broker for 14 years & I was blown away. He has a lot of knowledge to share & systems to implement. I can’t wait to see where my business goes next! He is a talented managing broker & I am blessed to have the opportunity.

Cadey O'Leary

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

Jim, you are the best.  I am so grateful about my decision to move to Jameson Sotheby’s International Realty and work under your tutelage. Your example, commitment to excellence, and the growth of your agents have propelled me to new heights in my personal life and my professional life. Who would I be without my morning ritual? Your dedication to a mindset of growth is compelling and infectious.  Thank you for all you are and all you do.

Kendra Beckham

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

Struggling to find your way in real estate or successfully meshing your work and personal life? Jim Miller’s Training can surely help. Jim Miller is my managing broker and has helped me tremendously in the transition to a new firm but also in managing and building my book of business through his teachings. His class “Take Flight” is by far the best sales training I have received through my numerous sales driven careers. His attitude and perspective on life and your career will help anyone become successful. He is a true motivator in all aspects of life and work. I now have my real estate and personal time management skills in tact and it wouldn’t have been an easy transition without his encouragement and training. If you have not done so I would highly recommend taking his class.

Michelle Liffick

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

Jim Miller is an OUTSTANDING Managing Broker – he is a leader and a fantastic, tireless coach and teacher. As a broker associate with Jameson Sotheby’s, I absolutely rely on his expertise and experience. He is incredibly accessible and extremely knowledgeable. He has an unparalleled understanding of the business and of the people practicing within the industry. AND, Jim’s focus is ALWAYS on the client – working for good, for the best result. I cannot recommend Jim more highly and am grateful to work with him every day.

Donna Wilkens

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

Jim Miller is a breath of fresh air when it comes to his role of Managing Broker. His management style creates an atmosphere of cooperation, motivation and action oriented agents. His weekly calls are always on target and he focuses on the whole person not just the realtor piece. His training sessions bring together what a complete and whole life looks like, not just on making money. He is a role model is so many ways. I enjoy working with Jim.

Lisa Petrik

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

Jim Miller inspires me with every conversation we have. With a passion for motivating, advising and perfecting his brokers – it’s no surprise to me that he has 100’s of admiring fans. Jim’s language for coaching and his direction as a managing broker connects deeply to my philosophy of life. Jim gets me excited for my job. He gets me pumped up for success. And while he focuses on success, he comes about it with avid professionalism and pride. I look forward to the climb of my success over the years, which will continue to grow with his advice.

Deena Schencker

Chicago, Illinois | Jameson Sotheby's International Realty

Jim is an innovator, motivator and a true leader. I would not have the confidence and structure in my Real Estate business without his guidance and mentoring. I just completed Jim’s “Take Flight” class and it was the most transformative step I have taken in my career. Jim not only coaches his students but he plants the seeds so his agents will flourish. I have established a foundation and skill sets in my business and personal life that transcends any coaching I have received previously in Real Estate. The essential tools I received from Jim’s class and coaching sessions have grounded me to focus on process, consistency and goal setting. I am appreciative and grateful to have Jim as my Managing Broker. I would not be on the path of success without him. I am delighted that I made the leap of faith to move to Jameson Sotheby’s International Realty.